Rifle&Carbine Match-Open to the Public
Where: DCF West, 4750 Peace
Palace Pt, 80907
When: 1st Thursday of the month
Time: 5:00 pm Sign-in / 5:45 Shooters Meeting / 6:00 pm Start [Please
arrive prior to 5:45 pm]
Cost: $20.00
Description: Matches are designed to provide a safe venue for the entry
level person to engage targets from standing, sitting, kneeling,
and prone positions at 15, 25, 50, 75 and 100yds.AND for the
competitor to practice their skills.
Equipment: Rifles, carbines, and PCCs, sufficient magazines to complete
a 50 round course of fire.
Ammunition: 22 rimfire, pistol calibers, 223/556 and 300 Blackout
[sorry, no 7.62x39, 308, or larger calibers-steel is not rated at
distance engaged]
NOTE: You will need to create an account to register, which is free.
The account with Practiscore allows us to email match information
Questions/Information Doug Davis 719-651-2601 Email: