NRA Pistol Instructor Training Course - Cost - $160.00 [range fee may be added depending on class size]

Includes course materials except ammunition, travel, and food
Eye and hearing protection candidate's responsibilty
Instructor Candidates are expected to have their own handguns
Instructor Candidates MUST complete the NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting Course-Instructor Led Student Course and
Basic Instructor Trainign
$80.00 deposit required to register, balance due at sign-in[or pay in full]

Course Length -  Day 1 - Classroom  /  Day 2 - Range [location dependent on range availability]

The following are the Goals of this course:
Describe the structure of the NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting Phase II Lesson Plans.
Explain NRA policies on safety procedures, course length, required materials, and teaching methods to be followed when conducting the NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting Phase II.
Outline the content of the NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting Phase II.
Effectively review the three NRA rules for safe gun-handling.
Effectively teach the range safety rules and site specific rules.
Effectively teach different range commands.
Effectively teach how to determine your dominant eye.
Effectively teach how to assume a proper two-handed grip using a revolver and semi-automatic pistol.
Effectively teach the five fundamentals of pistol shooting.
Explain the importance of concentration for the success of beginning pistol shooters.
List various ways the instructor can enhance the students’ ability to concentrate.
Describe the NRA eight-step method for training beginning pistol shooters.
Describe the coach/pupil method, ball and dummy technique, and explain the value of using them in the training process.
Effectively teach how to load, cock, de-cock and unload a single-action revolver.
Effectively teach how to load, cock, de-cock and unload a double-action revolver.
Effectively teach how to load, cock, de-cock, and unload a semi-automatic pistol.
Effectively teach the review of how to safely clean a pistol.
Effectively teach the five learning steps to shoot from the benchrest position.
Effectively teach the five learning steps to shoot from the Isosceles position.
Effectively conduct the shooting qualification.
Explain the definition, purpose, and process of evaluating beginning pistol shooters.
Explain how to provide feedback in a positive manner.
Discuss ways to improve the performance of beginning pistol shooters.
Explain the importance of completing the Performance Requirements Checklist.
Explain the role of student evaluations in instructor development.
Explain the importance of recognizing students upon successful completion of a training course.
Explain how to finalize credentialing with the National Rifle Association.

To qualify for the NRA Pistol Instructor Training Course candidates must complete the Pistol Pre-Course Qualification,  the Instructor Led NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting Course with a minimum score of 90% 
New Instructors must have attended the Basic Instructor Training[BIT] withing two years prior to the NRA Pistol Instructor Training Course.

For information and/or questions please contact Doug Davis @ 719-651-2601  or email>

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