Identification of the principal parts of flintlock, percussion, and
inline muzzle loaders
Understanding and application of safe handling rules for muzzleloaders
Identifying black powder and approved substitutes, different
granulations, and proper uses
Understanding proper safety procedures with black powder, including
storage and the use of a powder measure
Understanding the components of a load
Understanding and use of the proper procedures and accessories for
Knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for shooting a muzzleloader
safely on a range
Shooting a target from the bench rest position using the fundamentals
of firing each shot
Knowing the materials and accessories used in cleaning a muzzleloader
Cleaning a muzzleloader safely and properly
Firing a muzzleloading rifle from the bench-rest or cross-sticks
position, and/or
Firing a muzzleloading pistol from one- or two-hand hold, and/or
Firing a muzzleloading shotgun at a moving target, and/or
Firing a muzzleloading rifle from the offuand position
Familiarity with ways to pursue an interest in the shooting sports
Awareness of shooting opportunities with the NRA and the NMLRA
Knowing the criteria for choosing a muzzleloading gun
Understanding the advantages of belonging to a shooting club or group
For more information, contact Doug Davis @ 719-651-2601 email>