Introduction To The Carbine Course:
Cost: $145.00 plus
ammo[225 rounds]
A carbine for this course is
described as a medium or pistol caliber
firearm that is designed to be fired from the shoulder[pistol caliber
pistols ok]
Optics and red dots are permitted, but not mandatory
At least 3 spare magazines and magazine pouches
A one or two point sling for across the front of the body carry
Course covers:
Bench rest to sight in
Ready positions
Multiple/Accelerated Shots
Target Transitions
Using Cover/Concealment
Recoil Management
The Introduction To The
Carbine Course is a one day course. Classroom on Sunday, sign-in
0830 - 1200 Range 1 pm - 5 pm
For more
information regarding this course; email> or call>
here to begin the registration process. Registration is
through You will need to create an account,
which will only ask for Name, Email Address, Cell Phone Number,
and Carbine type and caliber
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