NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home Course -
Cost - $180.00
The NRA Personal Protection In the Home certificate is required to
register for this course
Includes course materials and range fee: does not include
ammunition, travel, or food.
Student expected to have own handgun and eye and hearing protectiuon
A minimun of 200 rounds of ammunition needed.
Handgun caliber - 380, 38 special, 9mm, 10 mm, 40 cal, 45 cal
$90.00 deposit required to register or pay in full. Balance due at
Classroom Location - Colorado Springs Range - location
dependent on range availability
Course Length - Two days: Day 1 Classroom[Saturday - 8:30
pm to 4 pm] Day 2 - Range[Sunday 8:55 am to 2 pm]
The following are the Goals of this course:
The importance of carrying and using a pistol responsibly and ethically
for personal protection outside the home.
How the three fundamental NRA rules for safe gun handling apply when
carrying or using a concealed pistol outside the home.
How the NRA rules for using or storing a gun apply when carrying or
using a concealed pistol outside the home.
Special safety considerations that must be observed when carrying or
using a concealed pistol outside the home.
The various techniques for storing a pistol safely outside the home.
The four levels of awareness and how they apply to concealed carry
outside the home.
The importance of mental preparation and developing the proper mindset
for carrying and using a pistol for personal protection and facing a
lifethreatening encounter outside the home.
Techniques for avoiding life-threatening confrontations outside the
The psychological and physiological changes that may occur during an
The differences between having a firearm for personal protection in the
home and carrying a pistol for personal protection outside the home.
Techniques for controlling and responding to a violent encounter
outside the home.
The emotional, legal and social aftermath of a defensive shooting
outside the home.
Explain the general rights and restrictions under laws permitting the
carrying of concealed pistols for self-defense.
State key legal provisions and restrictions pertaining to the use of
deadly force outside the home.
Explain potential criminal and civil legal actions that may be taken
subsequent to a defensive encounter outside the home.
Explain where the students may find detailed legal information for
their specific jurisdiction.
Identify the various pistol concealed carry modes and the benefits and
limitations of each.
Explain the basic principles of pistol concealment as they relate to
the carrying of a pistol for self-defense outside the home.
Explain and demonstrate the technique for safely presenting a concealed
pistol and reholstering.
After moving to a high barricade.
Engaging two targets.
Using aimed fire technique with the dominant hand only.
Using point shooting technique with two hands.
Using point shooting technique with the dominant hand only.
Using hip shooting techniques with the shooting hand only ("speed
Moving rearward, stopping and shooting.
From standing to kneeling behind a low barricade.
From standing to squatting behind a low barricade.
Moving to a low barricade, then kneeling or squatting.
From sitting to standing.
From standing, turning left 90 degrees to the target.
From standing, turning right 90 degrees to the target.
From standing, turning left 180 degrees to the target.
From standing, turning right 180 degrees to the target.
Engaging a target at extended range.
Under low light conditions.
Identify organizations, associations, clubs, and businesses that may
help them hone, enhance, and expand personal protection skills.
Explain methods and precautions for dry-fire practice, including
drawing from the holster.
To register or for more information regarding this course; email> or call> 719-651-2601