NRA CCW Course  Cost $150.00 [$75.00 deposit required]
The NRA CCW Course is not for entry level students.  Evidence of shooting experience requested.
Course requirements: Applicable handgun for concealed carry, dominant side hip holster, at least 3 spare magazines and
magazine pouches,  sturdy belt, electronic hearing protection, eye protection, cover garment, and a minimum of 120 cartridges.
Course includes the NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting and NRA Personal Protection In The Home Books

Course Topics:
Firearm Safety
Ammunition Knowledge and Defensive Ammunition Selection
Basic Defensive Pistol Skills
Drawing From Concealment

Loading and Stoppage Remedation
Mindset, Responding to an Attack and the Aftermath
Carry Modes and Pistol Concealment

This course has a student qualification based on accuratly placing shots on a silhouette target.  A complete miss will require another attempt at qualifying. A student has 3 attempts total to qualify.
Upon sucessful completion of this course, the student recieves a certificate issured by the NRA

Click Here To Pay Deposit of $75.00

Click Here To Pay In Full- $150.00

For additiona information, contact;  email>  or call>  719-651-2601

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