NRA Basic Rifle Course - Cost - $150.00
Includes course materials except ammunition, travel, and food
Eye and hearing protection student's responsibility
Calibers restrictions: .22 rimfire, pistol caliber rifles and carbines,
.223/5.56[no big game hunting calibers]
Some loaner rifles available[ 22 cal]
The following are the Goals of this course:
Identify the principal parts of a rifle, action types. and how they
State, and explain the rules for safe gun handling.
Demonstrate how to handle rifles in a safe manner.
Identify the different components of a rifle cartridge.
Explain the firing sequence of a cartridge.
Explain how to properly identify and store ammunition.
State the major types of cartridge malfunctions and how to react to
Explain the fundamentals of rifle shooting.
Safely demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attitude necessary to
assume the benchrest position with a rifle.
Safely shoot a rifle from the benchrest position, using the
fundamentals of rifle shooting, at a target on a range.
Safely demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attitude necessary to
assume the free arm and arm rest standing shooting positions with a
Safely shoot a rifle from the free arm and arm rest standing shooting
positions, using the fundamentals of rifle shooting, at a target on a
Explain the basic guidelines for selecting and purchasing a rifle.
Identify the materials needed to clean a rifle.
Demonstrate how to safely clean a rifle.
Safely demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attitude necessary to
assume the kneeling shooting position.
Safely shoot a rifle from the kneeling shooting position, using the
fundamentals of rifle shooting, at a target on a range.
Safely demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attitude necessary to
assume the sitting shooting position.
Safely shoot a rifle from the sitting shooting position, using the
fundamentals of rifle shooting, at a target on a range.
Safely demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attitude necessary to
assume the prone shooting position.
Safely shoot a rifle from the prone shooting position, using the
fundamentals of rifle shooting, at a target on a range.